Design by Dzignine
May 11, 2011


Ambient advertising is a newcomer to the world of outdoor advertising and still not much touched by academic circles. There is still no precise definition for ambient advertising, although many examples that can be presented.
Regardless of the purpose of the campaign, candidates 'ambient advertisers' need to think about the link between ambient media, product or service advertised and the proximity of the ad with the location of sales. Ambient advertising to make the message as part of the environment near the consumer. In ambient advertising, order the media. For example, campaigns that run in the London underground station, this campaign replacing handrails on the train with empty deodorant bottles. The commuter who hang from the hand grip actually is well-positioned underarm odor mengeksposkan them on other passengers, making the impact of these deodorant bottles rose multiplied. In this campaign, there is a clear relationship between the product being advertised with the ambient media.
Ambient advertising could have an impact if the ad was near the location of the purchase or location problems. Gasoline hoses at the gas-gas stations are often fitted with advertising products available in store petrol station it: this is an example of ad placement near the location of sales. Honda Imagine someday use fuel hoses to promote fuel-efficient cars Honda Jazz: This campaign will be an example of using the media near the location of the problem. Promotional messages embedded in the shopping cart in the grocery store can seem to fulfill two functions at once.
A number of ambient advertising tremendous impact; an art installation in shopping malls or train stations for example, would be able to attract people to huddle. Ads are printed on the egg will have an impact on at breakfast; ads posted on the entrance bar parking lot would be visible by every passing audience. When Nike build a robot installation (showing two tennis players take turns hitting the ball along the ground) at the train station to welcome the Wimbledon tennis tournament in 1997, a number of travelers go to Wimbledon only to watch this installation
The techniques of traditional marketing communication effectiveness is now declining in when the market is increasingly fragmented, costs increased, the number of audience decline, and the phenomenon increasingly implicated clutter. Thus, new paths to communicate with consumers must continue to look for, so seems to ambient advertising will continue to grow rapidly in the future. Ambient advertisingmenawarkan the following advantages:o If close to the location of purchase, ambient campaign costs can be cheaper than selling and promotion (rather than a discount) are able to provide incentives in the location of purchase (point-of-purchase incentives) without the negative effects of declining profits.o The campaign is implemented with good ambient participate boost brand image.o creative campaigns often get press coverage, even a particular campaign is deliberately designed to obtain broad coverage.o The campaign is very effective ambient to activate the needs.
In short, the environmental stimuli is an important consideration in consumer decision-making process that occurs right at the point of purchase - especially for products whose level of involvement of small (low-involvement product). So, if consumers 'pushed' ad stimuli appropriately placed at a location close to the location of the sale, then the probability of purchase will increase. Consumers while still at home generally do not perform pre-purchase decisions for low-involvement product. Research shows that about two-thirds of a certain brand purchase decision is taken when the consumer is in store. Advertising on the trolley for example differences contribute to the purchase of certain brands; this shows the driving force at the site of ambient advertising sales.Currently, ambient advertising industry is filled with a large number of small agencies, with one company handling gasoline pump hose, one more take care of supermarket trolleys and so on. In this ad, there is no evaluation system of the industry (as in TV commercials and press), so there is no objective measure that can be used to assess the success or failure of a campaign. For example, there is no organization that can estimate how many people who take certain supermarket trolley and see ads that are posted.A lot of ambient advertising that relies on the element of surprise and novelty. So if we do not yet know that the ads we became the first ad to use certain facilities, we should be really careful in choosing means of advertising. Some facilities may be able to be effective until the old (ad gasoline hose for example), while other means may depend on how long the element of surprise to survive (eg, deodorant sample earlier).
In the future, ambient media seems to be increasingly growing. Although demand is high level of creativity in their production, this campaign can give a very big impact, this campaign was only a relatively small cost. 


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