Design by Dzignine
Feb 3, 2010


Presence of a printing press in Indonesia began with the arrival of the Dutch arrived in 1596 and is closely connected with the VOC. Year 1624, Dutch Reformed Church missionaries introduced the printing press in the Dutch East Indies by buying a printing press from the Netherlands to publish Christian literature in local languages, in connection with the purposes of evangelism. But the printing press was unemployed, because there is no power operators to run it.

History of travel papers, following some travel time records printing in Indonesia.

1668 Hendrik Brant print a document as the first product the government printing office, which Bongaya agreement between Admiral Cornelis Speelman and Sultan Hasanuddin in Makassar, which was signed March 15, 1668. Hendrik Brant in August 1668 got the contract to print and bind the book on behalf of the VOC.

1671 East India Company signed a new contract with Pieter Overtwaver and three other employees of the Company.

1699 Reverend Andreas Lambertus Loderus take over der Edele Compagnie Boeckdrucker to be utilized optimally. Many important works in Dutch, Malays and Latin born of printing, including a dictionary Latin-Dutch-Malays Loderus compiled by himself.

The central government in 1718 established his own printing press in KASTEEL Batavia (KASTEEL = fort, Batavia when it is fortified city) for the benefit of print official documents.

1743 Seminarium in Batavia Theologicum obtain one unit of printing equipment. Had published the New Testament (part of the Christian holy book) and several prayer books in translation Melayu. Printing in 1755 was forced to join the Castle Printing.

1744 The first printed newspaper called Batavia Nouvelles born from Castle Printing is managed by Jan Erdman Jordens, precisely on August 8, 1744. Its contents include government edict, advertising and auction announcements. Nouvelies Batavia newspaper halted publication (June 20, 1746) at the request of the Company's Board of Directors to Governor-General, As-oriented newspaper ads and contains information on trading conditions in the Dutch East Indies feared could be used by European rivals.

Starting in 1761 introduced the first printing of the rules Reglement voor de Drukkerijen te Batavia (June 1761) under the administration of Governor-General A. Van der Parra.

Vendu Newspapers 1776 News (VN) was published by L. Dominicus. This is the first newspaper in touch with the people of Indonesia.

1785 Printing of the city is strictly prohibited without permission to print any censorship. Censorship implemented in the Dutch East Indies in 1668.

1809 Newspaper publishing Vendu Niews stop during the reign of Daendels General Herman Willem (1808-1811). In the same year, bought Daendels City Printing Printing and combined with a Landsdrukkerij Castle, which is now called the State Printing.

1855 The first newspaper published in Javanese Surakarta once a week, his name Bromartani. Published by the Dutch joint venture company, Harteveldt and Co..
1910 In Jakarta, the national newspaper published the first, Medan Prijaji. The first paper mill, N. V. Papier Fabriek Padalarang, built in Padalarang with production capacity of 9 tons per day.

1949 In Jakarta, there were only 2 printing machines owned by indigenous people. Printing foreign owned produce only for their own interests only.
1969 Dutch government in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia to establish educational institutions and training human resources in the field of graphics, Graphic Center Indonesia (Pusgrafin) in Jakarta.

1992 Technology Computer to Film (CTF) into Indonesia. Initially only large printing press, just who has it. 1995, printing, printing medium and small began adopting. Until 1997, the use of CTF was practically equal.

2000 Entry of computer technology to plate (CTP) began to shift the CTF and the impact on the lower part repro business. Until now there are about 90 CTP machines in Indonesia. Formerly brands are famous for this machine is the Heidelberg and AGFA. Now it's started a lot of new players, such as Screen, Scitex and Basys Print.

We have a large printing press in Indonesia has started to adopt computer technology to Press a direct imaging (using the master) and Computer to Print (no master) that many machines using digital printing technology. Even the printing-press is now not only complement the equipment for pre-press business, but also post the press (finishing processes such as cutting, binding, folding, stiching, embossing, etc.), so that printing becomes onestop services business growing.


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