1. Groupon
Initial ideas forming this company is to provide an opportunity for a group of people to embrace a common goal. The purpose was described as The Point. In operation, Groupon site provides a medium for companies that want to offer coupons (vouchers), usually with a specific discount, provided the number of bidders must reach a certain limit. If the minimum limit is not met, then there is no transaction on that day.
Operations such as this reduces the risk for the retailer if the number of coupons that are offered do not meet the minimum limit. According to its website, Groupun.com, this program was first launched in November 2008. Currently, Groupun has about 1,500 employees in the Chicago headquarters and offices are being developed in Palo Alto, California.
Now Groupun develop its business by opening a representative office in Europe, South America, Asia and other countries.
Groupun revenue, which comes abbreviation Group Coupon, as quoted from Wikipedia, from January 2010 to January 2011 is estimated at U.S. $ 11 million to $ 89 million per month. During the year, an estimated Groupun revenue reached U.S. $ 460 million. Groupon revenue this year is predicted to reach around U.S. $ 3 billion to $ 4 billion. In October 2010, Groupun reportedly accepted the proposal from Yahoo! worth U.S. $ 3 billion. Do not want to miss, Google is also interested in acquiring this company with a bid of U.S. $ 5.3 billion, which was rejected on December 3, 2010. Reportedly Groupun will release its shares on the stock exchange in 2013.
2. Instagram
The initial idea came from thinking Instagram HTML 5 is capable of supporting the program location information service for its users.
Instagram itself is an application that users can use the iPhone for photo sharing. With this program, users can add special effects to photographs made before Instagram distributed to other users using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr.
3. Flickr
The company was built on the idea of a multiplayer game website that has a very broad member called Game Neverending.
Based on the Wikipedia site was developed by Ludicorp described Flickr, a company based in Vancouver, Canada and was built in 2002. Ludicorp launched Flickr in February 2004. This service was developed initially to make the Game Neverending.
Early incarnations of Flickr focused on a dialogue space (chat room) with lots of users with names FlickrLive with the ability to share photos directly (real time). What happened was more share photos or images found on the web rather than photographs made by the users themselves.
The next evolution is more emphasized for uploading and chat rooms in the site map.
In 2005, Yahoo Inc.. take over Ludicorp and Flickr. On June 28, 2005, all tables of contents from the server of Canada moved to a server located in the United States, which led to all the existing data under United States federal law.
4. Facebook
Initially, the company which has now become a giant corporation just to share images among its members. Furthermore, members of the rank of the photographs that are considered most attractive. According to the BusinessWeek site, revenue up in 2009 or six years since its inaugural launch has reached U.S. $ 700 million to U.S. $ 800 million or equivalent to Rp 6 0.3-7, 3 trillion. CNet estimates, in 2009 faceboook managed to obtain a net profit of tens of million U.S. dollars or about hundreds of billions of dollars.
Facebook also hire more sales staff to get more advertisers, so that at the end of the year amount to more than 4-fold since early 2009. In his country, a company based in Palo Alto California USA has now also become one of the companies that have the largest display advertising. According to comScore, Facebok now control 16 percent market share of display advertising, up from 11 percent in the final quarter of last year.
5. To be Determined
Similar to Facebook, the company provides an Internet program, with its members can share photos, and form groups based on location through an application called Color.