Design by Dzignine
Sep 10, 2011


In the DGI website, Yongky Safanayong - Professor of the University of Pelita Harapan, reveal the facts that develop current and future challenges in the world of graphic design.

Here are excerpts from his writings:


Existence of the profession of graphic design in quantity figures show a very remarkable growth in two decades in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya, since 1990 rose over 1100% since 1995 rose more than 500%. The growth of specialization in graphic design profession is in line with industry growth of open education courses graphic design (visual communication design) from D2 to S1 level. On the other hand, showed deterioration in the quality of appreciation and the appreciation of the practical industrial and service users, in addition to deterioration of the quality of the competence of the designer.

The rapid development of new media and technology supporter graphic design work since the early 1990s until now a significant impact especially to the attitude of the human - beings graphic design, business and industrial actors. The speed and accuracy of design is clearly increased, but the quality of design appreciation and declining.

Economic Crisis 1997 - 1998 and the end of 2008 was a good momentum to develop new strategies and tactics to cope with new demands and a lot bigger, but have not performed optimally and synergy by the parties concerned: the education industry - a practical industry, supporting industries - government - professional associations.

Multidimensional crisis in society, especially social crisis - the culture and ethics.

From the facts above, it takes strategy and tactics through the perspective of a new ethics, vision and a new spirit.

New ethical challenges such as in the present and in the future.

* Ethics
With regard to good and evil, right and wrong. Also related to the customs and habits (culture).
* Profession
Field work is based on a specific skill education in graphic design.
Choice of profession:

o as a designer
o as a teacher + entrepreneur
o as designers + artists
o as an observer / critic
o as a designer + entrepreneur / industrialist
o as a researcher
o as an observer that relates to art and culture or the environment
o as an entrepreneur
o as a teacher
* Integration of professional ethics
That an expert such as the professions mentioned above need to have the competence, honesty and commitment that includes: "True", "Good", "Acceptable", and "Able". Click here to view schema / bagannya.


Now, ethics in the professions closely associated with a new perspective in communication & culture. The challenge:

That culture is man's work is able to develop the skills, talents to produce or create something of value.

Through culture, humans are able to create a better environment: safer, more comfortable, more beautiful, easier, more balanced, harmonious and in tune.

3. That culture as a spiritual form of a society, because human culture as a basic structure, he is able to provide the hallmark of the customs, language, techniques and social values.

4. That an expert in the profession as well as communicators. To be effective communicators of today, need to meet the communications challenges Interkultur. (Interkultur Communication is communication between people with the cultural perceptions and symbol systems).

5. Emergence of new technologies and better, world population growth and shifting areas of the global economy has been supporting international growth. Everyone around the world will be affected by this growth and the need of communication about limited natural resources and the further degradation of the environment and also need the participation of all of us to help reduce and avoid.

6. That communication can solve a lot of interpersonal needs, help establish personal identity and affect humans.

7. Globally, that communication with the contextual political, technical, cultural and economic. While the contextual culture with confidence »Value» Attitude »Behavior.

8. That a lot of justification-justification in the real world of education is not necessarily or absolutely true in the practical world.

9. Think and be positive and constructive to:

o God Almighty
o Self
o Coworkers / others
o Professional
o Organization / institution
o Resources: time, water


That professional ethics on the future of graphic design does not quite have the intelligence, but also must have the spiritual wisdom that is always afraid of God - creator of the whole universe and has the ability to intercultural communication. Always willing to learn from mistakes, to accept differences of opinion, have the initiative, likely trying to find a different value rather than have to compete or to compete, and integrated thinking.

As cognitariat like other professions need to have a new professional ethic that is consistent with the demands and new challenges, challenges that in fact a sign of growth for us together.

quoted from :


The most efficient print media marketing is a business card than a brochure. Size that fits in your pocket and wallet allows it to be brought everywhere. The function of a business card into the main tool to support your introduction to others, contact numbers affixed on your business card in order to communicate further at a later time. So wherever you go, bring a few sheets of business cards and leave the seboks if not to attend an event that can meet a lot of people, such as seminars or meetings. Create business cards with good design, worthy and interesting! So that people can be easy to contact you.

Good Business Card Design

A good business card is a card that is informative and professional. Remember to what cards you made. Give the power of information effectively and efficiently in your business card.


1. Logo Use

Have a professional designer to create your company logo. Logo design do not carelessly, although 'small' shape but 'big' reciprocal. Your logo should represent the will the image of a product or service or company is run. The logo can be displayed in harmony in a variety of media such as websites other than business cards, brochures, letterhead, and other promotional media. Contact Logo + Brand Identity Designer as online to start investing with your company logo.

2. Create A line Slogan

If what you are doing is not very obvious from the name of your company, create one line slogan will help people remember what you sell. Like the "ARIDH" glimpse ARIDH name will not immediately understand what it is selling, but by giving the slogan or tagline Logo Design + Brand Identity sure people will better understand.

3. List the Email and Website Also

In addition to the address and name of your company, customers and prospects want to know the website address and your email address. If you're worried about spam, you must set up two email addresses for you - one to put on your business card and give to the public and one private email address that you only give a few trusted business associates and friends. Treat also for your mobile phone number.

4. Take advantage of Momentum

Ceramic momentum of your encounter with potential friends and business associates on special occasions that you will follow such as seminars, training, exhibitions, and even your school reunion. You do this by pinning signs or phrase on your card for someone to easily recall the early meet. For example, wrote: "Fellow Participants in Bandung IT Training 2011". If you have time and budget, can also create a special name card design for the show alone.

Name Card Design-worthy

Business card is a card-worthy or worthy of the name of useful and interesting. How do I make business cards we respected others aliases are stored either in their name card holders.


1. The letter is easy and readable

Make sure the text color has good contrast with its background color. If you read the text you're trying to add a background rectangle measuring a contrasting color to enhance its readability. Make sure you use fonts designed for print. The smallest font size at least 6 points to Arial. At the same size, some fonts tend to be smaller than Arial printout. So be sure to test the design of your business card before sending it to print.

2. Create eye catching

Design an eye catching business cards are of color and composition. But remember to keep in line with the character of your company logo so that brand building was not interrupted. Normally one would expect to deal with a small company if you use thin paper and printed with a cheap printer. Card size version of the east there is a 9 x 5 cm and 3.5 x 2 inches west, or out of the standard size for the sake of creativity. Create your name card is unique and fantastic!

3. Use a picture of yourself or not?

Wearing a photo of himself is not a requirement, nor is it to be trivialized. Business cards are also a tool for your personal branding. Notary, presenter / MC, administrators of social organizations, brokerage houses or masseuse even need business cards. If you are a professional or work as self employe would be inappropriate to use the photos on your card. Suitability of clothing and facial expressions in photographs could help you describe what you sell. For photos did not rule out all areas of work will be needed, especially for distributed disebuah event that you follow-I've never spread a business card, but sorry Agus which yes, forgot! (True story).

Business cards you can just make your own prints in the office using business card templates premises variety of models that can be taken from the Internet such as in, or

Although some of the printed paper you can buy to create your own business cards, but heavy enough to pass for so-called business cards that is worth scatterplot, most people will get better results by having business cards with setting it in a professional and printed.

4. Printed with quality

Concerning the quality of the print, depending on the initial design your business card. It does not matter if you use photoshop, illustrator, or draw good use as a vector software. Due to photoshop RBG color output, even though he is black but not black prints with 100% there are elements of C, M, and Y so that the bleed will be printed. Name card design resolution of not less than 300 dpi. So get to know the machine that will print your business cards: whether offset printing, digital printing, inkjet / laser, embossed, foil, or engraving.


To compensate for the popularity of the field of website design in 2010, so it's good preparation for me to write about whatever we need to do before designing a website. Maybe a lot of friends loyal readers Kick The graphics are not that familiar with the workings of designing the website, because it used to print designs (as I did). 

In website design, we as designers are not required can program design we have created. But of course it would be better if we could at the same time to design our own program, but if in a sense to program a website is hard work, we better focus on the interface and design concepts first. We ought to know is how to think of programmers, so we created a design that makes sense for embodied in code. For example, one way programmers work is to make the background first, because it's the design that we make must be arranged neatly in a folder (Photoshop) specific. 

1 goal
Each design must have clear objectives and goals achieved what he wanted in through the website. If that website portfolio, determine its purpose, whether to get a new project? , Doing personal branding or to become a kind of online catalog results of our work?
With a clear goal then we will easily find the concept and design style that fits. Avoid the aim of 'cool' at the beginning of thought, because the design which we think is cool it may only survive within a month, so in a short time we feel the need to redesign our website. "Cool" is just a "skin" her, the most important is the function and purpose of the website. 

2. Sitemap
Sitemap is a very vital, because it would be a clear picture of the flow of information about the websites that we will create. Define the navigation and features that need at this stage and remove features that are not effective. If the purpose of the website is clear, then we can focus on that goal and not incorporate features that are less important, such as the chat box or banner advertising space for example (it's odd that in the web portfolio of no banner ads). 

3. Sketch / Wireframe
In order not to get lost in a blank Photoshop canvas, the better we are designing on paper first. This step is necessary to avoid double work in Photoshop. Can imagine the time wasted when making a background or button looks luminous and web 2.0 really!, But it was less precise location and size. This stage is very necessary, especially if we deal with websites that have a complex flow of information. With the sketch we can create a variety of possible layouts quickly. And if we work with clients, they are more happy when we start the project and show the results of our sketches before moving to the stage finishing in Photoshop. This could be a way to involve clients actively in the project without making us upset (due to change only need to remove the sketch only). 

4. Resolution 72 dpi RGB & Color
72 dpi is the standard resolution for display on the monitor (do not ever make a website design at a resolution of 100 dpi though, because its original size would be great too). And use the RGB color that was to specialize in the monitor. Well, this step is a basic step that should not be broken, so do not forget your friends:) 

5. Maximum Width 960 Pixel Website Content
all the designs you create, keep the area of ​​content (text, photos, etc.) not to exceed 960 pixels wide. This is because the standard monitor is a layman is still around in 1024 x 768. For the background image might need to exceed 960 pixels wide with the goal so that the background looks neat and not cut off if the monitor is wide open at like 1360 x 768 pixels or more. so adjust the field of working with a wide-screen monitor that you have

6. Use the Grid System
Grid is not a restriction of creativity to the design. Grid created to facilitate us to maintain consistency from page one layout to another page. In addition gird also helps programmers who will design our menslicing in photoshop. I used to use the 960 Grid System, because it is standard in today. If you do not want to use the existing grid, please use your own grid. The most important content area width should not exceed 960 pixels. 

7. Folder Management & Layers in Photoshop
Get used to create a folder on the important parts of a website, for example, the folder header, body folder, folders sidebar, footer folder. Actually its folder name can be up to you, which is important in the call and each layer included in a section / section united into one folder.
Do not forget to name each layer, so it will be easy if we want our design to edit it later and of course this is very helpful programmers who work with us. 

7 steps above are initial steps that we are accustomed to designing in a state-organized (especially website design). Because we know that sometimes we can not finish a project alone, in which case maybe we need a programmer friend, so that code that is generated is also neat, we as designers must also provide the "raw files" is neat.

Sep 9, 2011

love without words

             Do you know the meaning of love? do you know how lucky are you if you can feel it. Feels like all the noise of daily routines that sounded like a beautiful song. Afternoon heat made the spirit soar. And when the night will still feel warm because it is being felt in love with someone.You no longer have to sit alone lost in thought behind a window at the thought of something because you guys already there besides him. You no longer have to bear the burden or problem alone because he was there to help ease the burden. You no longer have to grieve a protracted when calamity strikes, because he was there to share with you. And most importantly he will always be there to take up all issues and share all the fun with you. 

But are you aware that he did it all just to see you happy. He does not care how big a problem to be her shoulder to make you feel more easy in the face. He does not care how much sweat and attention he should spend your time lying ill alone. He also does not care if one day you can just dump him and turned to other people because in this stage he is and you're just in a relationship that might last a long time but probably can not. 

"But he still is on your side ..." 

Do you know what he expect from you? When you build a relationship be it serious or not, have you asked him what he expect from you?Many answers could come out of the mouth of each woman, ranging from "I wish we could go a long relationship" ... "I want you to also do the same thing to me" ... "I want you there for me" ... "I want you to know that only I sincerely love you "... and many more. 

But have you heard of hope from someone who loves you sincerely say 
"I just want to see you smile happily ..." 

When he said it, he does not care if you take it seriously or not. And he also would not be mad when you laugh because of his words. Because he was very sincere when he says that. and he was ready to undergo all the risks that must be faced by him while in a relationship with you. Risks faced by it, rather than facing together. because sometimes when we share stories stories either happy or sad stories, we do not know what he was ready to hear it or not. Because someone loves us with a sincere will never let you face the problem alone. He's not going to feel calm when we ourselves can not sleep because of the weight load was thinking. And that's when he would do what he should do in order to be able to see the smile that she used to see on our faces.Step by step he wants to prove what he can and deserves for you. 

 Time after time he always tried to build an all-you happy even though he himself could not feel it because you bear the burden. And when all issues have been resolved, have you thanked her by kissing her forehead?Believe me when you do that, he will feel very happy because she really know that you come back smiling because he's ... 

He did not ever say what he wants, but he's looking forward, to see your happy smile you will love it even more increased only for a second period of his life.He does not expect to be forever with you because he knows that the destiny of life there is decisive. He did not expect you will continue to love him forever because he knows there is no creature is perfect in this world. He does not expect you have to do the same because he knows you and he's different. He does not expect to get all of yours because he knows he too can not give you anything worth to you. 

But instead of there that we can know that he is someone who deserves to our loved one, he is a person who deserves our keep, he is a person who deserves we make our lifelong friend. And he is the person who deserves our love for making us feel the true meaning of love without having to say it.

advertizing creativity

Advertising activities, in fact already begun since the ancient Greeks and Romans, at first ad takes the form of a chain message or also called the word of mouth. Ad as part of economic activity has developed is evolusiuner, this development includes 5 stages: 

Pre-Industrial Era. begins approximately when the recording of history has begun performed until the 19th century. 

Industrializing Era. begins approximately since the mid 1700s until the end of World War I. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution which broke out in England. This era marked by the use of machines to mass-produce goods with a uniform quality. 

Industrial Era. This era marked by great development and maturity of the industry-based countries, the United States for example, commodity markets have expanded, many new markets are developed, luxury brands at a price not too expensive popping up, which was later known as consumer package goods. 

Post-industrial Era. This era began in the 1980s. For the first time anyone nenjadi really aware of the environmentally sensitive. 

Global Interactive Era. The development of new technology in the early centuries of the 21st century brought great influence to the world of advertising. Cable television and satellite receiver allows people to watch television channels that have a specific program, such as news, movies, sports, comedy, and so forth. 

+ Advertise become one means used by industrial-capitalist idustri to ensure the distribution of commodities to the public at large.
+ The interests of industrial capitalism in the event of goods production boom is creating a consumer so since the era of the 1780s, actually advertisements aimed at creating a serious consumer.
+ In the 20th century ads generally appear with the images and use sueralisme types, which makes people buy the product.
+ Advertising is also positioned as an entertainment sales, which on the one hand he tried to influence the audience with sales messages, and on the other hand providing entertainment for audiences through images and fantastic fictional. 

+ In the 1970's periklan industry grew very bright. At that time the economy is growing rapidly, government and private sector join hands together to play a major role in all economic activities.
+ The development of advertising in Indonesia increasingly finding solid footing as private television began to emerge and with the release of SK Menpen No.111/90 which requires that advertisements produced in the country and by the people of Indonesia.

Appetite advertising creativity in Indonesia in Indonesia is still considered low. This was disclosed by chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission. 

"In general, ad creativity in Indonesia low taste," said Chairman of the IEC, Prof. Sasa Djuarsa Senjaja after the signing ceremony of cooperation Indonesian Association of Advertising Company (GN) with the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) for to promote the effectiveness of Ethics Pariwara Indonesia (EPI), at the Hotel Niko, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/11/2009). 

Amid the competition is so tight ad-makers often ignore ads EPI. Sasa exemplified, it never attracted advertising sms premiumKi Joko Bodo from as it is considered breaking EPI. "Look at ad ki Joko Bodo state, could change the fate, we finally pulled it because it affects the population, especially the lower middle," said Sasa.
Based on data through 2009 GN BPP recorded approximately 150 cases and 100 are problematic ads otherwise violate the code of ethics.
Therefore, the Indonesian Association of Advertising Company (GN) make a memorandum of understanding with the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to encourage the effectiveness of the Ethics Pariwara Indonesia (EPI). 

Most violations of the ad is related to the use of the term or word that is superlative without objective supporting evidence.
"The spirit of this MoU is not to kill creativity, but advertisements discipline problems," said Sasa.
During this supervision impressed ads running on their own betwen the Board of Supervisors Advertising (BPP) GN with IBC. Later, through a memorandum of understanding this IBC will also exchange information with the GN. surveillance conducted by the CPP PPPI only appeal to the agency about the violation, so only the moral sanctions alone.
Sasa said, the information entered into the KPI of the BPP GN will be forwarded to the broadcasting institutions.
Sep 5, 2011


Island Tidung currently much discussed among travelers as a new tourist destination that should not be missed. Tidung Island is an island archipelago located in the waters of a thousand northern city of Jakarta, the distance is not too far away, about 2.5 hours drive north by boat from the port of Muara Angke with a cost of about Rp. 40,000.

Tidung elongated island about 5 km with a width of only about 200 Meters, split by a small street so that when you walk on it your view left-right is nothing but the expanse of scenery beautiful blue ocean. Here the sea is quite shallow and overgrown by coral reefs that are still relatively healthy. Decorated by reef fishes are colorful, not wrong if one is Tidung mainstay tourist island snorkeling. You do not have to worry about snorkeling equipment, there is a rental equipment at an affordable price is around Rp. 30,000. For those of you who can not swim can use the life jackets are also widely available.

Tidung true island consists of two islands, namely Tidung Tidung large and small, uninhabited. Two islands connected by wooden bridges that cross the shallow ocean. In addition to ocean views, snorkeling, diving, sunset, sunrise and BBQ seafood, this bridge is a mainstay of tourism in Tidung. The challenge is to jump off the bridge into the sea with a height of about 7 meters, you dare to try?

Do not expect to find here a five-star hotel, inn there is only shaped people's homes / guest houses, but quite comfortable at an affordable price. A fairly clean Guest House with 4 bedrooms you can rent at a price of about Rp. 300,000.

One of the favorite transport access to the island via mainland Jakarta Tidung is through Muara Angke. There are motorized wooden boats and two-story visitors who are ready to take across. The ship departs at around six in the morning. One-way price is Rp 33,000. The ship returned from the island to the Muara Angke Tidung available at two o'clock. In addition, you can go to Marina Ancol Tidung through the KM Grouper. The ticket price of Rp 32,000 not including entrance fee Ancol. If you live in Tangerang, you can get through Rawasaban priced boat tickets only $ 18,000. 

Travel Time From Muara Angke Island Tidung taken within two hours. Prepare drinks during lunch on board. In addition, drinking a hangover. Especially if you are typical of an easy drunk.

Accommodation Do not expect you will stay at the hotel. In Tidung Island, all accommodation is owned and managed by local residents. Most are homestay or a house transformed into an inn. Some residents also build hotels that are separate from their homes. Inn-inn even has air conditioning and bathroom facilities inside. It is also equipped with a television. Rates are per room at the inn, the inn there was nothing fixed. All negotiable according to the number of people who will stay. The average price of Rp 300,000 - Rp 400,000 per night per room. Per room can seat between 4-8 people. Lodging is always full on weekends. Therefore, you have to order it in advance. 

Do not Memorize Street Names Yes, because on the Island Road Tidung not wear name. So if you stay at home resident, RT memorized numbers and his home number. The streets were small and the boxes are like a maze. The best way that you do not stray when looking for a way back to the lodge is to photograph the house or any instructions that you find on the trip. It could also photographed the house where you stay. So, if you get lost, you can ask the locals as he showed the photo. 

Eating Places you need not fear starvation in Tidung Island. There are many stalls on the island. Shops even open from early morning to serve the guests breakfast. Culinary tours can also be found in the area of ​​the Big Island Tidung towards the Bridge of Love. Rows of stalls ready to pamper your tongue and stomach. The price is very affordable. Culinary mainstay of course, grilled fish.  

ATM Bring more cash. You will not know what happened. There may be a storm or you left the ship so it should stay longer. Because the island Tidung no ATMs.

Mobile phone signals and Internet signals are very good on the island Tidung for certain telecommunications providers. Even access the Internet with a modem and SIM card was extremely fast. On the island there are also internet cafes Tidung.

Various souvenirs you can get in Tidung Island. Call it seaweed candy, candied fruit Ceremai, breadfruit chips, and salted squid. You can also buy various handicrafts of the shells as souvenirs.

Bicycle and Pedicab Traveling the island can ride a bike. Just need to spend Rp 15,000 to rent a bicycle. It could also be a motorized rickshaw that on average only cost ranging from Rp 5,000. On weekends, rent a bike is sold. Therefore, make sure when you get to the island, you immediately find a place to rent bikes. If not, get ready to bite the fingers due to run out of bikes. 

Air travel is very easy to find a place to rent snorkeling equipment and diving. You can also ask the landlord for rent dicarikan diving equipment. Rent a tube and clothes diving around Rp 300,000. While snorkeling equipment around Rp 35,000. Price does not include boat rental for around Rp 300,000 with a capacity of 10 people. If you come in a group of rental boats so much more expensive to per person. Playing Banana Boat is only Rp 30,000 per person.

Best time April to October is the best time to visit. Tend to be sunny weather in these months. Outside these months, so be prepared to meet the storm from the west monsoon. In addition, the waste shipment from the mainland Jakarta is also a lot of dropped due west monsoons. September and October can also be an option because in these months, you can get candied Ceremai.

posted by Hendrik yudha / photo by Ka' Sara (^_