Design by Dzignine
Sep 16, 2010


midbrain is a phenomenal discovery in the education of children. Actual use of the midbrain theory has been widely applied in many Asian countries especially Japan. Japan has long been engaged in practice midbrain activation in young children who have been activated anak.Seorang midbrain will have more ability than children who have not in the middle of the brain activation.

A child who has been the center of the brain are activated (Mid Brain Activated) can have extraordinary abilities. This ability is even exhibited remarkably often in magic entertainment programs. After seeing the ability of children who had been activated, most events at The Masters magic match becomes less attractive. Because this can be done by their own innocent children who only received training midbrain activation during two days.

Basic skills that can be done is to 'see' the card with the eyes closed (blind fold). Christofle (9 yrs), for example, brain activation after training center, can sort all cards according to numbers, colors and shapes the picture cards with their eyes closed. Felt he could use the senses to see the patterns and colors complete with figures just by eyesight skin (Skin Vision).

Another capability that can be done by these children is to walk with eyes closed, without crashing. Conducted experiments on a boy who walked with his eyes covered with cloth. Someone deliberately blocking the road in front. He was immediately able to avoid obstacles without touching it. A child can even recognize his father among the crowd of other parents, without touching and hearing his voice.

At more advanced levels of a child is expected to 'see' objects behind walls or inside the box. He can even count the money contained in the wallet seeorang in front of him without the person pulled out his wallet. If a child is diligently train the middle brain function he can expect even read the document located in the closed position.

A child who has been the center of the brain activation can 'guess' what the card will appear when the person is still shuffle the cards. Once finished mixing, and choose a card, that person took a card that turned out exactly as 'suspected' of the child.

Midbrain activation is not something magical or supernatural smells. Midbrain activation was done by scientifically. Midbrain activation was much use the Alpha brain waves. Alpha brainwaves are the scientifically proven brain wave that emerged dominant by the time we in a state of relaxed and most creative. Brain waves is usually dominant at the time we wake up, or in a state of relax on the toilet, or even having a bath of hot water in the bathtub. No wonder why the Archimedes discovered the law Achimedes when he took a shower.

Midbrain of the activated brain waves that radiate like a radar. This makes the owner able to see objects in a state of eyes closed. Basically, the wave is located below the nose. Only able to detect objects located slightly below the nose.

Regular exercise can make the children become stronger and able to see objects located higher. There are even some kids who can medeteksi up to 360 degrees. That means they can detect objects located in the rear, top and all directions.

Brain activation training center has been installed in Indonesia. Today not many people know of the existence of this training program. Training is usually conducted over two days. At that time, also usually carried out training for the parents. Like other areas of expertise, parents can play a major role to help children develop their potential midbrain. A child with a strong mid-brain, expected to develop the left brain and right brain to be maximal so that they can enter the category of genius. Not only in the left brain (IQ, intellectual), or right brain (emotional, EQ) but also in 'Loving Intelligence'. They are individuals of a balanced and loving others as the creator loves him.


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