As the world became more complicated and moving faster and faster, organizations can continue to seek new forms so that they can more effectively Erasing. Among the new forms are the most popular organization without boundaries, team organization, virtual organization, and organizational spending.
Organizations without borders
organization without borders (boundaryless organization) is an organization that minimize or eliminate the boundaries and structure of traditional boundaries. For example, no fixed organizational structure (fluid) in general electic, which cause people, ideas, and information can move freely to businesses and business groups and business groups, as in ways that more evisien, external constraints would be lost. Some of the main suggestions. wal-mart is directly related to the retailer's information system. As a result at the time of the distribution center wal-mart began experiencing supply shortages wrangler jeans manufacturer to get information as soon as the retailer's. Wreangler create a new inventory and replenish distribusainya center without reordering by wal mark.
Team Organization
Organization team (team organization) almost entirely depends on the type of project teams with little or no basic functional hierarchy. The people "drift" from one another peroyek to peroyek accordance with the skills they have and demand the project. At Cypress Semiconductor, TJ Rodgers does not want to develop an organization that is too large for not according to function. On a unit or group was becoming too big he divided into several units which become smaller. Thus the organization consists of units that all small. Setrategi it causes each unit can change the direction, looking for new ideas and try new methods without having to deal with a highly bureaucratic structure. Although only a few large organizations that can implement these types of organizations, apple computers and Xerox, including companies that embrace the team organization.
Organisassi maya
which is closely related to team organization is a virtual organization (Virtual organitation). Virtual organizations have little or no formal structure.
The organization internasinal
As we tough in Chapter 5, adults many companies that make, buy, and sell goods in market structure dunia.dengan so some international organizations (international organization structures) are different from different starting there. besides that, along with increasingly complex global scale competition, companies are often forced to berexperimen of how "they respond.
For example, when wal-mart to find out first of the United States in 1992, he set a special project team to handle the logistics, with more and more stores opened abroad in the mid-1990s, the company created a small international department for handles overseas expansion. However, to 1999 sales and international expansion has become an important part of the Wal-mart operation, so the company created an international division was in for more information into geographical areas where companies do business like mexico and europe
Oraganisasi with significant international operations are often preceded denagn in organassasi form in Figure 7.6 demonstrate other companies have also developed a variety of approaches international organizational structure. french giant company that specializes in food, such as Danone Group has three main product groups: dairy products (yogurt donone), kemasana bottled water (Evian) and pastries (pim's) structure is not in Donone internationally distinguished but rather on global each product group.
Finally some companies adopt the structure of truly global by using the resources (including capital), to produce goods and services involved in the research and development, without considering restrictions existing territory. until a few years ago, general electric maintain its international business operations as a separate division. however, the company now serves as an integrated global organization. GE businesses in the world seluluruh relate and interact with each other well, and the menajernya move freely in the business. Integration is also reflected in the management team
Apr 19, 2010
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