An archaeological expert named Professor. Dr. Moendardjito in one of his articles, entitled "Spatial Planning Archaeological Sites" one paper on the Conservation Workshop Planning Report and Area Development Site enshrinement Batujaya, Karawang regency "(Cikampek, 15-19 April 2002), Project Construction Remains historical and Antiquities of Java West, Culture and Tourism Department Government of West Java Province. Argued in detail about what and how the provision of a site into the archaeological sense that the site name in Indonesia are generally provided by the administrative location of his name, although not consistent.
Sometimes homes by name or the name of the village, district, and so on. Even according to the name often given by the population, and whether to give a systematic way to name it or otherwise, or freed by his own desires researchers, planners, or people. The level of knowledge about the content of the site increase as it deepens, so the name was changed frequently kai. For example hill called Soul Unur population by researchers called the Soul Unur site, after digging and found the temple, the researchers call it the Soul Temple site.
There may be calling researchers Segaran site-I because it was in the administrative area Segaran village. In terms of administrative management, may be profitable, but losses, if the village changed its name, will cause new problems. Further told that the word "site" in Indonesia led to confusion in its use because it is inconsistent with the principle that the spatial nature of taxonomic hierarchy.
For the ancient city of Trowulan, for example, with an area of 11 km 9 times while the researchers call "sites" with additional details of his privileges as a site for the city, the city site (city-sites, urban-site). This term is not one right because there is the archaeological literature, simply because as long as researchers are still embracing definition of the site as a plot of land containing or suspected to contain remains of archaeological, but without detailing the complexity, keluasannya (whether square meters or 1 hectare 1 square), the population density , and so on. The definition is not only used by archaeologists, researchers, archaeologists, conservationists as well as written in the Law on Heritage items in 1992. Units of space law stated only site, not the region. Now, there have been efforts to include the term, understanding, and concepts in the discourse of the region archaeologists Indonesia, although not yet in legislation.
Moendardjito (2002:4) clarifies that the terms of the archaeological area is simply defined piece of land that contains a relatively large number of archaeological sites nearby (spatial clustering sites). For example Batujaya area and adjacent Pakisjaya not only in terms of the office (space), also had the proximity in terms of shape (form) and time (time). Sites that are in the area may contain cultural heritage of similar activities or various types, during or cross-age, single or many (multicomponent-sites), large or small. At these sites there are also a number of legacy-building activities and archaeological features, artifacts, ekofak, and the environment. According to him, in America the spatial planning of archaeological sites are categorized into four units based on the breadth or complexity, namely 1) unit of the site (site); 2) unit more space than the site locality; 3) the unit more space area of the locality, the region and 4) the unit more space from the region, namely the area. However, in the Indonesian region and the area match the area or region terms used interchangeably in the writings of reports or papers or articles, but the area is used as it is now and there is also the term zone to match the zone. There's zone I or zone with reference to core sanctuary areas; Zone II or buffer zone refers to the buffer area; Zone III or Zone Facilities facility referred to zone areas that are supporting local; outside the zones or zone-zone is adapula Zone or Zone IV Landscape history that refers to the historical landscape certainly intended to preserve the environment.
Referring to the paradigm of the site or land diajuka Moendardjito sites, can be stated that the Sand Mountain or Reungit located within land units that clearly referred to sites around the central position of the land or sand Reungit Mountain Rock Nangtung guest. The proximity between these sites not only shown in the spatial (space) also form (form) and time (time). In the scale indicated by the distance space of no more than 2 km (a short distance away) and is located in the eight cardinal directions, with Mountain or Sand Rock Nangtung guest Reungit are in the midst of these sites; scale indicated by the use of stone -natural stone with a very natural shape with the natural environment mengimposisi to:
Trance 1.Situs Kolak in Mount Palasari, (+1349.27 m)
Stone 2.Situs Linga Cikondang in Cikondang Village, Village of New guest (+ 524 m)
Chairs 3.Situs in Kampung Batu Pasirpeti, Margalaksana Village (+ 1641.61 m)
Geger 4.Situs HANJUANG (Patilasan Kingdom and Sunan Chop) Ciguling Village, Village Margalaksana (+ 1651.27 m)
Hanging Rock 5.Situs in Pasirpeti Village, Village Margalaksana (+ 1404.61m)
6.Situs Patilasn in Sumedanglarang Capital Ciguling Village, Kelurahan guest house (+ 1358.78 m)
7.Situs Grave Pagulingan King King Sumedanglarang to 4 in Nangtung Village, Village Ciherang (+ 1291.07 m)
Suren Good 8.Situs Grave in Kampung Toilet, Girimukti Village (+ 594.25 m)
Site Nangtung Selareuma Stone, observed a lava outcrop is basaltis with muscular structure columns (columnar joints), local residents called the Stone Pillar and believed andesitis rocks. In terms of shape (form), the result of geological analysis confirmed that muscular columns (columnar joints) is a very common form in volcanic areas, freezing of magma that came out to the surface is called lava. Stocky columns varied shapes, pentagon, hexagon, octagon or the direction of standing or upright columns, tilted or collapsed, depending on the direction and flow pattern lavanya. With the stout column, known as the lava flow lava flow direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the column of thick columns standing position, although tilted about 600. On the former site of the capital Sumedanglarang there Ciguling with basaltis rocks tumbled or collapsed position, stacked parallel and the direction, are essentially columns of lava basaltis. That need to be studied in detail is, whether the buildup is a result of the work or Kabuyutan ancestors naturally.
If congestion is the work of the ancestors, so maybe the material is taken from the area around that do not fall, as mentioned throughout the presence of these sites are basaltis lava rock with thick column structure (columnar joints). However, if stacking with rolled or collapsed position is the result of natural events, the pattern and direction of lava flows that differ from the site because it produces Nantung Stone muscular patterns or columns do not stand up straight like a milestone, but overthrown or collapsed. Similarly, naming the site by Sumedang Sundanese community in the past (kabuyutan) as Nantung Stone (Standing Stone or milestones) are in accordance with the state of nature, the rocks on the site or the upright stones milestones are formed naturally as a result basaltis lava clots on the surface, activity results in Kala volkanisme Pleistocene (up to about 1.5 million years ago). Basaltis lava rock that form thick columns would be used by this kabuyutan now interpreted as a cultural site in the past such as Stone Site on Cikondang Menhir, Ciguling Site, the Site and Site Petilasan Palace in the village of Great Suren Girimukti. These sites are situated on a hill or hilly area known clearly the existence of a powerful body of rock lolom used kabuyutan to basaltis particular interests relate appropriate value on the life of life at that time.
In terms of time indicated by a number of textual data in the form of literature which set forth the factual events with the contemporary era. Why textual data is used to place Reungit Mountain or Sand Rock Nangtung guest, in an effort to identify them?
Mountain or Sand Rock Reungit is Nangtung guest Datum Point Kabuyutan (Ceremonial Center):
Order around the center or Sand Mountain is a suitable concept Reungit The Sewasogata, where Sand Mountain or Reungit is Pancatantramantra (the five subtle elements) which magically stacking seven or kesirnaan be gone, seven stacks quiet atmosphere or vacuum. While at the site located south of Stone Pangcalikan, symbol sakala (natural world) Bhuhloka or Madyapada (the world where humans).
Presented by Dr. Ahmad Law Darsa (Padjadjaran University scholar) that the horizontal structure or Sand Mountain Reungit and sites surrounding the eight cardinal directions is a milestone pancer beehive dangiang like in the real world, symbolizes the universe vertically gede or universe-the universe ageung (422 and text Kropak Sang Hyang Hayu), spatial universe (cosmos) is divided into three arrangements that (1) arrangement of the underworld-seven saptapatala Fire (2) The land where we are now called madyapada, and (3) arrangement of the above , saptabuana or buanapitu seven heavens. Place between saptapatala with this saptabuana called madyapada, namely a world where human Pratiwi. Spatial concepts (cosmological) Sundanese people who are Triumvirate triad, triad.
Solidify! Mountain or Sand is Reungit Batunangtung guest site site locality category in the neighborhood of Mount Tampomas with all content in cross-cultural heritage Sumedanglarang cultural history. .
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